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We have eyes, we can't see, we have ears, we can't hear, and our people are dumb, but they can't speak, we have long arms, we can't reach the culprit, we stood on the four pillars with great difficulty, The four pillars of our country stood together in their respective places to fulfill the dream of faith, unity, justice, and faith, the spirit of Tehreek-e-Pakistan, the war of independence which was an attempt to realize a dream after millions of sacrifices.

No one could stop this dream from being embarrassingly interpreted. There was no shortage of enemies in me, nor was there any part of the world of friends. On the contrary, the nation still greets those who sacrificed their lives in such circumstances and will remain grateful to its benefactors till the Day of Judgment.


But the matter does not end here. The war is not complete. The war is incomplete. The enemy is lying behind us like a mad dog after defeat. Opportunists live in search of. There is no country in the world that is not at war and the people in the countries where wars continue would be stuck in a quagmire of problems! Rather, they see no wave of life.

And they become frustrated and silent because those who are stuck in the swamp need a little support and then the light comes into this life. Observing such situations first the eye and then the ear hears and the power of speech appears in the tongue and then the hands reach for help. After the independence movement, everyone was able to see happy faces. Millions, despite the sacrifices, the spirit did not end.

But when wars were fought for their country, nation, home, siblings, and mother, the causes would die. And good prayers follow. 2021 is the year. No one has ever made a difference in their warmth. The sun, as always, appears with the spirit and atmosphere of its day. Look at the enemy! And we are scattering like Shiraz. There is no institution in the country where no organization is being formed. After all, who taught us the lesson of where these organizations came from?


Where did we learn the lesson of feeling deprived? Our country is the cradle of peace. Even while fighting the war of independence, organizations were formed but one in front of the other. But as the situation changed, we stopped thinking. The enemy did not give up his conspiracies and not only dreamed of chaos in our country but also shared the power of our institutions. Our eyes do not see what they should see, our ears do not hear the sounds we want to hear, our tongues are locked, and our hands, instead of blocking the path of oppression, remain in the pockets of the oppressed. People have turbans in their hands. There are complaints about the languages ​​in which national anthems should be sung.

There are abuses. A man shouts a slogan. Hungry people are forced to obey him. I am not compelled and my hands are not bent. I am blind. Even today my tongue is burning. These flames are not to burn their house! But to burn the intentions of the enemies in their minds. Even today they are full of patriotism.


Those with whom we have witnessed the power of pen are still not only my national heroes. Greetings to all the national heroes of and continue to do.

Only the National Day of National Heroes is celebrated here as a holiday. We have never told our children about it. We have never explained anything to our new generation about respecting the law. Sometimes it seems that our eyes are blindfolded, our ears are filled with the sound of a coin, our hands are tied with iron chains like rich, poor, Chaudhry, Kami. There is no such institution in our country, , #TV, # radio, # rickshaw, bus, # car, # doctor, # sage, # WAPDA, # Sui gas. #, Hospitals, national institutions, # cabinet members are all fighting for their rights in their own organization

In the end, who is stopping us from taking our rights? Who is occupying our rights? Why are we fighting a war with our institutions? The government missionary is used to show that everything is good and not to solve problems. The annual trillionaire budget goes to the end. It is shown that this is the truth if this truth is to be believed. Behind all the progress that has been made to-date are the institutions and the people with national spirit.


Today, the longest protests are being held in their own homes for the fight for their rights. After all, who will find the truth hidden in the words of the protesters? No, my brother, this is not the responsibility of anyone. I have to take the nails of consciousness. I have to protect the borders of the security of this country not individually but collectively. No law can stop the security of my country, nation, home, city. We can support our legislatures and write about the oppression that is taking place. We have been able to hear and hear the cry of the oppressed. What day is it when our eyes, ears, tongue, and hands will be one?

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