some people are always in a hurry they ran as fast as they could steps where others take it slow where the president of Joe Biden America Is Present I will have to keep up we will not have to wait for greed 19 you already have a plan You will not have to wait for the president to proceed side of working families, he is from Scranton no one should say wall street did not build this country you know who made us that nation you have been hit hard by the virus but Joe Biden knows when you knock on the floor he gets up from the platform no one needs to tell Joe how hard life is it can hit you loss of wife daughter son but you know it's a pain you can't find a purpose to lead America you need to understand America America is a powerful concept more than any army more powerful than any dictator or dictatorship gives hope to desperate people on earth and it is a living and powerful concept today very powerful an idea in the history of the world I think this strikes the hearts of the people country regardless of your nationality or ethnic background, your identity is important in terms of your gender standing no matter how you believe it includes America whether your ancestors existed a native of these coastal brought here forcibly and enslaved where there are generations of foreigners back or those who come today look better construction the lives of their families are our best days those behind us it is a future that is as challenging as ever these like a united America we are united in our dream of a better future for us and for our children, this is ours a moment together
I'm Joe Biden and I Agree with This Message