A few years ago, there was a lot of peace in the country, but since the slogan of freedom of the media has been used with the private channel, especially since people have learned the art of making money from social media. Strange riots have broken out. No matter what happens, a storm comes. Everyone adds pepper spice to increase the rating of their channel. For a moment, no one thinks about the effects on one's honor, one's life.
In this cycle of making money, we as a society have become morally bankrupt. Be it a motorway case or a girl's body found in a hospital. The media raises it to such an extent that the person seeking justice is forced to apologize. Because justice is not given, but the rest of the life of the beggar becomes difficult.
In a country where leaders like Benazir Bhutto are assassinated in public and her killers are not caught during her party's five-year visit to the government, it is not surprising that an ordinary citizen does not get justice there.
From the oppressed police station to the court and the media, they feel safe only after being humiliated. In such a situation, the hope that the grip of the law can stop the culprit is nothing more than a beautiful dream.
Education has been heavily targeted on social media since the recent incident. There is no denying that it is a good thing that there is no education in an Islamic country.
But unfortunately, we do not have the resources required to set up separate universities, so Majboora will have to go for education. But an incident like this does not necessarily mean that it is a dark city. Millions of university graduates graduate with dignity. But after the recent incident, the university and the hostel have been targeted to such an extent that whether there is any other effect or not, there will be obstacles in the way of children's education which is not the solution to such problems.
The responsibility for such incidents lies not solely with the educational institution and society. Parental indifference is also included. Rather, the root of many problems in this age is the distance between parents and children. Parents do not know where the children go mentally even when they are in front of their eyes because the parents build a wall in the name of limits and engagement that they know when the child's blood-soaked corpse is on the doorstep. Is lying on
Parents have a responsibility to protect their children and society. Give your child time to talk. Allow them to express their thoughts like friends. You can guess where the child's thinking is going so that he can be guided because no human being makes a mistake in a moment. There is a long rebellion behind it but the parents have no idea that the child is silent. How many boundaries of thinking have been crossed.
Parents should give their children so much confidence that even if a mistake is made, they can talk to the parents instead of going elsewhere. This will solve many problems. Social media will not get a chance to make money by violating their honor. It is better to feel responsible before the actions you take.