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Doesn’t worry it won't last long, mafias trying to take NRO will not succeed: Imran Khan

PESHAWAR: Prime Minister Imran Khan has said without naming Nawaz Sharif that Punjab politicians have fled to London to save their money and avoid the law. "It will not last long," he said. Don't do it, the fugitives will be brought back soon.

All the mafias are trying to get NRO from me, they will never succeed, we will bring these people under the law, Pakistan was destroyed by separate law for rich and poor, we have not the next election but the future of the nation Five years later, I want to see how we have raised the weaker sections.

10 big dams including Bhasha and Mohmand will be completed by 2028. In the past, expensive power projects were implemented instead of dams to form commissions. The money of the poor goes elsewhere. Raising the top is the first target.

He was addressing the audience after the inauguration of a housing project for industrial workers in Regi Lalma area of ​​Peshawar. Imran Khan said that the current wave of Corona has become flat, if precautions are taken then all sectors including tourism will open. He said that he wanted to take the country forward under two basic principles: the rule of law and the other is not to give NRO to anyone.

He said that the corrupt politicians who used to ask where the new Pakhtunkhwa is, see that our deeds are being verified by the international agencies. The previous governments hastily entered into agreements and took money from the IPPs.

Revolving credit will reach Rs 1455 billion by 2023. Work on Mohmand Dam will be completed by 2025. Mohmand The dam is the first major hydropower project in the last 50 years. It will be called the century of dams.

Meanwhile, while talking to the media on the occasion of his visit to Mohmand Dam, Imran Khan said that problems like water, food grains, and environment would be solved with the construction of dams, adding that we have come up with a complete plan for food security.



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