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IMF Representative for Pakistan Esther Perez has clarified that there is no truth in the news of linking the agreement between the IMF and Pakistan to the nuclear program.

Esther Perez said in her explanatory statement that there is no truth in the speculations related to Pakistan's nuclear program, our negotiations are only on economic policy.

He said that the negotiations with Pakistan are going on to solve the economic problems and the balance of payment problem.

Esther Perez said that the negotiations are being held for the restoration of economic stability according to the policy of the IMF.

He further said that the focus of negotiations with Pakistan is to bring macroeconomic stability and financial stability

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has denied reports of Pakistan linking a deal to its nuclear program. The rumors, which have been circulating in the media, have been dismissed as false by an IMF spokesperson.


Pakistan has been negotiating with the IMF for a new loan program to help bolster its struggling economy. However, rumors began to circulate that the IMF was insisting on Pakistan making concessions regarding its nuclear program in exchange for the loan. The reports caused concern both within Pakistan and internationally, as any such demands could be seen as a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty.


However, the IMF has strongly refuted these reports, with a spokesperson stating that "there is absolutely no truth to the reports that the IMF is linking a loan program to Pakistan's nuclear program. The IMF's engagement with Pakistan is solely focused on supporting the country's economic reforms and growth agenda."


The spokesperson also emphasized the importance of Pakistan's economic reforms, stating that "Pakistan's economic challenges are significant, and the IMF's support is aimed at helping the country address these challenges in a sustainable manner. This requires strong commitment and ownership from the Pakistani authorities, and the IMF stands ready to support them in their efforts."


Pakistan has been struggling with a range of economic challenges, including a large fiscal deficit, a high debt burden, and a balance of payments crisis. The country has already received several loans from the IMF in recent years, but these have come with strict conditions, including austerity measures and structural reforms.


Some in Pakistan have criticized the IMF's demands, arguing that they are too harsh and have contributed to the country's economic woes. Others, however, have pointed out that Pakistan's economic problems are deep-seated and require significant reforms to address.


Regardless of the debate over the IMF's demands, the rumors of a link between the loan program and Pakistan's nuclear program are unfounded. The IMF's focus is solely on economic reforms, and any such link would be outside of its mandate.


Pakistan's nuclear program is a sensitive issue, both domestically and internationally. The country has long maintained a policy of nuclear ambiguity, neither confirming nor denying whether it possesses nuclear weapons. The program has also been a source of tension between Pakistan and India, with both countries having conducted nuclear tests in 1998.


In recent years, there have been concerns about the safety and security of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal, given the country's instability and the presence of terrorist groups. However, Pakistan has consistently emphasized that its nuclear program is for defensive purposes only, and that it has strict safeguards in place to ensure the safety and security of its nuclear assets.


In conclusion, the rumors of Pakistan linking a deal to its nuclear program are false, according to the IMF. The organization's focus is solely on supporting Pakistan's economic reforms and growth agenda, and any link to the nuclear program would be outside of its mandate. Pakistan's nuclear program remains a sensitive issue, but the country has consistently emphasized its commitment to nuclear safety and security. The IMF's engagement with Pakistan is an opportunity for the country to address its economic challenges in a sustainable manner, and with strong commitment and ownership from the Pakistani authorities, it can pave the way for a more prosperous future.

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